Why Join Paparazzi?
Stop waiting for your life to change
and start creating the life you dream of!

Welcome! My name is Amber Griffie and I am the leader of team Diamond Elite!
I am an Executive Producer and Elite leader with Paparazzi Accessories.
You have arrived at our team site where you can find training and information to help build your business and create the life you want.

Become a Paparazzi Consultant Today!
Can you really make money selling $5 jewelry?
Paparazzi has made it so simple to start your very own jewelry business. When you have an amazing product that everyone loves and anyone can afford then you have the power to make some real money!
It's so simple- Order your business starter kit, show your jewelry, keep your 45% profit and the money is yours to do what you want with. Buy more jewelry, Pay down your credit card bills, Take the family to the movies, Whatever you like!
You are free to run your business how you want. You can choose to do Home parties, Craft Fairs, Vendor events, Office parties, Sell online...It's completely up to you! All you have to do is get it in front of people.
No more sales presentations or gimmicks, the jewelry sells itself!
Most importantly when you join my team, Diamond Elite, you will never be alone or left in the dark when it comes to your business. We offer unlimited support, training, and motivation so that your business is continually growing and making you money! My job as a team leader is to answer questions, be a mentor and provide support for you in any way that I can.
It's truly a simple concept:
Sell your jewelry
Make 45% profit on your sales
No catalogs to mess with
New jewelry designs every weekday
Free website
No minimums when you order
5 Reasons why joining Paparazzi is a smart idea.
1. The product! Women love cute $5 jewelry. There is no pressure or guilt from over spending. We have jewelry for everyone! Moms, Dads, Grandma, Teens, Tweens, and kids jewelry too.
2. Not into doing home parties? GREAT! I do 90% of my sales online through Facebook. The internet and social media make it that much easier to reach customers all over the U.S.
3. Residual income. Do you know a few ladies that would be interested in starting their own business? Help them enroll as a consultant and Paparazzi not only pays you a bonus but you get commissions from your team sales too!
4. We have one of the highest commission pay rates. Make 45% on your jewelry sales from either your personal jewelry inventory or your website sales.
5. Low overhead and startup cost. You can join Paparazzi for as low as a $99 starter kit. Plus tax and shipping of course.
I want to help you build a business that is profitable and successful.
Join my team today by clicking on the "join now" button at the top of this page.